Customer #: 03TAR
Main Contact: Tiffany Kindschy (ISD Advantus)
Account is Auto-Approve/Manual Release
- Ships from: Jacksonville
- Orders come in through EDI – Monday
- Orders are to ship the following Monday
Steps to follow:
- Once orders are received:
- Check EDI Logs (Order Range, Price discrepancy log and Duplicate PO Log) received via email.
- Make sure backorders orders have been filled.
- Confirm any price variances with Tiffany Kindschy.
- Confirm any duplicate POs with EDI and Tiffany.
Order Release Process
- Check that the orders are in Full status.
- Export the Excel sheet.
- Remove columns in this order: A-B,G-I, H-I, J, K-M, M.
3. In NS confirm the orders have the following Monday as the ship date.
- If they do not, contact Tiffany to verify it is okay to ship on the new day.
- Copy the information from the Excel sheet and add to the body of a new email.
- Send email to 12th St Shipping and CC: Tiffany Kindschy and Virginia Alvers.
Current Account News
- As of Jan 2022, we have been cancelling all orders from Target until further notice.
- Please follow the instructions below:
Order Cancellation Process:
- On your homepage, go to the Sales Orders (Open)portion, under the Quick Links section.
- Select the Open Sales Order Detail hyperlink.
- In the filter section put 03TAR in the customer box and click tab.
- Export the excel sheet.
- Remove columns in this order: A-C, B-C, F, I-J, K-L.
- Place a data filter on the full chart.
- Select the A-Z sort option on the Order Number and expand selection.
- Under the data tab select.
- At each range should have Order #.
- Use Function should be Sum.
- Add Subtotal you will need to select Cust PO # and Item.
- Select the drop-down menu under the Order # column and search for “total.”
- Click ok.
- Do not select the first row; select from the second row down to the Grand Total.
- Go to the home tab, under the font section, select the paint can.
- Select the second lightest orange to fill the cells.
- Remove the Filter from the chart.
4. Save the chart under S:\Customer Service\Team Folder\Tiphanie F\Accounts\03TAR
- Save the File as Target Cuts Month.Day.Year
Once this is completed send an email to Lauren Stevens <>