General Notes
- Order Processing Method: Orders arrive sporadically through EDI. Typically come in batches
- Shipping Location: 12th Street
- Ship Date Logic/Shipping Schedule: Release as CRG-Collect. Warehouse will adjust based on Routing Guide
- Ship Via- CRG
- Freight Pay Code- Collect
- Order/Order Release Schedule: Release the orders the same day they arrive. Typically have a ship date 6 days out from when they arrive.
- Contact: Brandy Bottin
- D&D Policy:N/A
- How Are Backorders Handled: No backorders. Contact Brandy for any partially fulfilled orders.
- Release E-mail Required: Yes. Email 12th St and Virginia (CC Brandy) when the orders are released.
- Portal: No
Orders come in sporadically. Release the orders the same day they arrive. Typically have a ship date 6 days out from when they arrive.
Go to the Sales Order Manager and look for orders on hold for 01STLVIC.
Check to make sure that they are all fully allocated and passed validation.
If there are any partially allocated orders, price variances, or items ordered out of multiple let Brandy Bottin know, and she will reach out to Staples.
Staples will advise how they would like to proceed with the orders and may issue 860’s to adjust the orders.
There may be situations where inventory may need to be transferred from reservation to the orders. If this is the case, contact Kathleen Hancock and she will be able to reallocate the inventory.
There may also be times where the inventory is at the ECom building and needs to be transferred to 12th St. In these cases, put the order that needs the transfer on hold with Future allocation as the reason and put in the hold notes “Hold for Transfer”. After this reach out to the respective warehouses and CC Lorenzo Jackson to inform them of the transfer request.
Once the orders are ready, use the sales order manager to release them. Export the orders to Excel and send a release email to 12th St Shipping and Virginia. CC Brandy on the release email as well.