Michaels: SPEDY Completed Import Item

Product & Sourcing uses this report to ensure all information shared between the Sparrow office, Advantus office, and Michaels is the same and correct.

The report is comprised of information from the Item Quote Sheets (IQS) from Sparrow and GTINs, SKU#ā€™s, tariff codes, etc.ā€¦ from Michaelā€™s.

How to download ā€œCompleted Import Itemā€ from SPEDY, MIKā€™s Vendor Connect

  • Log onto Vendor Connect & navigate to SPEDY.Ā  Then, click Report.
  • Under Completed Import Item, click on the Excel option.  You can put in any dates, but I usually use 30 days (you canā€™t do more than 90 days).  If you ran it the week before & it was empty, you can just put in the last week.  Change the Approver to All Users.  Then Run Report.
  • Here is an example of the report that pulls down.  Itā€™s a lot of info you donā€™t need, but the pertinent information (Item #, Description, Cost, Inner Carton, Case Pack, and Port) needs to be proofed against Sparrowā€™s system to ensure it matches. Also, send a copy to Melissa & Yolanda from the Sparrow Office so they can confirm the info.  If something is incorrect, it is easier to catch it at this point than after the POs have been issued.
Updated on October 31, 2022
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