Tips on scheduling Meeting for Kevin
- Reoccurring meetings are already set up in Kevin’s calendar.
- Take notes in required meetings and send an email containing the notes along with any action items.
- If Kevin will be out and is going to miss any of the meetings, ask him when he would like to reschedule them.
- If you know Kevin will be OOO – cancel the meetings for that day.
- If you need to schedule an urgent meeting and there are no open slots available on Kevin’s calendar, you can move any of the reoccurring weekly/bi-weekly touch base meetings and put the urgent meeting in its place.
- Direct Reports will send you their PTO for you to put on Kevin’s calendar.
- Add staff’s birthdays to Kevin’s calendar (HR sends a birthday list monthly).
- Look for schedule conflicts on Kevin’s calendar every day.
- Try to avoid scheduling meetings for Kevin between 12:00-1:00 PM due to lunch.
Helpful links:
Scheduling a Zoom meeting in Outlook – Advantus 2.0 Wiki
View, Edit, and Remove Zoom Meetings in Outlook – Advantus 2.0 Wiki