There are 3 levels of POI reporting:
- POI Performance YTD and POI Performance YTD, by Location (an overall summary)
- POI Header Metrics (header level data)
- POI Line Metrics (line-level data)
- POI Header Metrics (header level data)
The POI Performance YTD reports provide summary information as well as the ability to drill into the POI Header Metrics and Lines suitelets. The POI Performance YTD report is a summary of orders for a selected month, with a breakdown of the on-time/complete numbers. Each of the columns is a link that takes you to the POI Order Header Metric suitelet. That suitelet should be used for reviewing and entering comments for the POI metrics that are header-level, and the same for the line suitelet.
Refer to the following link for instructions on entering POI failure cause and note documentation – POI: Documenting Misses
Monthly POI Process
1. Business Analyst – SCM obtains line-level data from NS. Inventory Analysts are emailed applicable misses to assign failure causes and add notes. | By the 3rd day of the month |
2. SCM submits detail to Continuous Improvement to include on a master monthly spreadsheet. | By the 11th day of the month. |
3. Compliance compiles Accurate Documentation and Damage free POI score. Enter score in reporting month in NS. | By the 15th day of the month. |
4. Department Managers to review department failure causes and ensure action is taken to correct and/or prevent a recurrence. If additional review of failure cause is required, email | Ongoing |
5. POI data is distributed to all employees. | By the 20th day of the month. |
Calculating and reporting POI is a multi-step process:
- Run and clean up necessary POI reports
- Identify areas for improvement, work with involved departments to implement operational changes to improve POI, and lead inter-departmental efforts to improve POI
Supply Chain
1. Review Complete Details data in workbook saved each month on the S: drive
- Problem solves incomplete orders/items to identify the root cause. Record using drop-down selections under ‘Buyer Comments’ and include additional notes.
- Provide resolution comments if not included in the monthly presentation summary slide.
- In NetSuite, click on the POI Performance YTD report link to assess monthly performance.
- Click on the number under Incomplete Orders to display detail of incomplete sales orders.
- Problem solves incomplete orders/items to identify the root cause. Record by clicking in the Note, Complete field to enter comments.
- Review the On-Time Details data by the location you are accountable for in the workbook saved each month on the S: drive.
- Problem solve late orders to identify the root cause. Document root cause under the Reason column.
- Provide resolution comments if not included in the monthly presentation summary slide.
- In NetSuite, click on the POI Performance YTD report link to assess monthly performance.
- Click on the number under Late Orders to display detail of late sales orders.
- Problem solve late orders/items to identify the root cause. Record by clicking in the Note, On-Time field to enter comments.
Customer Service
- Review and research On-time details for all locations in both the S: drive excel and NS.
- Incorporate requested date changes into the review.
- In NetSuite, click on the POI Performance YTD to view overall performance.
- Collaborate with operations as necessary to problem solve any delays in invoicing.
- Monitor ASN performance to ensure sent the same day of shipment.
- In NetSuite, click on the POI Performance YTD to view overall performance.