- Walmart
- Walmart – Supply Chain Security Audits (SCS) are required for all DI factories annually. Some factories with a very good score may have an audit good for 2 years. To review the status of the factory’s audit, log into RetailLink. Advantus’ DI profile is 28024556. Audits can be initiated by requesting in RetailLink or Walmart may automatically initiate the audit.
- Walmart – FCCA audits are required annually. Audits are initiated in Retaillink.
- Walmart requires RS Audits for all factories – Domestic and DI. Walmart accepts Sedex SMETA 2 pillar, Sedex SMETA 4 pillar, and BSCI.
- Target
- *All factories must be registered on Target Partner’s Online (POL) system 60 days prior to production*
- Target requires a SCAN membership for the factory and a SCAN audit. SCAN will initiate once the factory has been registered.
- Target requires either a Sedex 4 Pillar or a BSCI Responsible Sourcing audit.
- Michaels
- All Michaels vendors are expected to complete an annual inspection of each manufacturing location based on the Michaels Vendor Code of Conduct (CoC) and maintain a record of the inspections at their headquarters. Michaels reserves the right to review these inspection reports upon request. Vendors must allow Michaels and its representatives unrestricted access to inspect its manufacturing locations to ensure compliance with this CoC. BV will normally notify the vendor when an audit is due. They will send the booking form which must be completed and returned to BV. BV requires payment of the audit prior to the audit being performed.
- Office Depot
- Office Depot – RS and Security Audits are required for DI factories; Factories producing Office Depot private label brands are required to have an Office Depot Responsible Sourcing Audit.
- Office Depot -Security/C-TPAT Audit is performed onsite annually. These are announced. Advantus will normally receive an email from the audit company (typically UL) containing the audit report and the CAP once the audit has been completed. The factory will need to complete the CAP and the Compliance is to review and send back to Office Depot within the amount of time specified in the email. Payment is normally required prior to the audit being performed.
- Office Depot Responsible Sourcing audits are normally announced. Usually it is a notification that an audit will be conducted but does not give a specific date.
- Note: manuals & code of conduct can be found on the Office Depot Vendor Portal (https://partner.officedepot.com/wps/portal)
- Staples
- JoAnn
- JoAnn’s – A valid security audit and Responsible Sourcing audit is required for all DI factories. JoAnn’s will accept security audits and RS Audits performed for other customers if it is not expired.
- All licensees of FLA affiliated colleges and universities are required to affiliate with the FLA and sign-up on the new MyFLA 2.0platform.
- Aldi
- Aldi has a Social Monitoring Program that requires annual audits. Aldi accepts BSCI and Sedex SMETA audits.
- Lowe’s
- Lowe’s requires a Responsible Sourcing audit for a private brand or where Lowe’s is the importer of record (DI). Lowe’s accepts BSCI or the RESA (Lowe’s RS audit).
- Lowe’s requires a SCAN audit and the score must be 90%.
Vendor Audits: Key Customer Requirements
Updated on March 22, 2022