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  4. Procedure for Inbound Shipments

Procedure for Inbound Shipments

To receive a PO in NS follow the below steps

**Shipping & Receivingā€”Inbound Shipmentsā€”Inbound Shipment Details

Filter to PBG 1-6 (If it doesnā€™t default) Find the Inbound Shipment you want to receive. Select

Once you open the Inbound shipment record, select the ā€œRECEIVEā€ button

Verify the qty received, if correct add the location, if incorrect change accordingly


To view list of INBOUND with reference to PO Number:

On your dashboard, fast links under Warehouse Management

Filter, if Necessary

*If you click EDIT/VIEW against this screen it takes you to the inbound shipment build. This is not where you can receive- this is how SCM edits the order

If Looking for Inbound shipment number via PO:

Pull up the PO number in the system

View against the line item the inbound shipment number

Once you identify the inbound shipment number, follow the above steps

Updated on December 1, 2022
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